Your wife comes home and says “Honey, the AC in my car isn’t working” and you...
About six or eight months ago I received a call from a gentleman named Jim.
Jim had an original Studebaker Avanti he was restoring and he wanted the AC to work. He wanted his compressor rebuilt and his drier replaced.
It’s been a hot summer and the heat will most likely continue into the fall. Hopefully the economy will rebound a little and construction, agricultural and trucking jobs will reappear. It is also a time of economic uncertainty during which we all need to economize in any practical way possible. As you may or may not expect, the exact same principles used to diagnose and repair automobile air conditioners apply to trucks and heavy equipment. Oddly enough, in many instances, even the parts are the same.
Yesterday my old friend and neighbor Rob came in and purchased a pulley bearing while I was out visiting a client.
About 2 months ago I received an inquiry about a Sanden SD7V16 control valve from a customer in Malaysia. After exchanging a few emails the order was placed and the product was shipped.
A guy came into the store the other day wanting to purchase a new hose or have us fix his old one.
This is something we hear from time to time, especially when dealing with DIY’ers or with people working on older cars. This usually stems from a lack of understanding of how these systems are energized OR a particular nuance about a specific vehicle.
As I state in my BIO, our purpose here is to arm you with the necessary information to either service your own automotive AC system or procure the services of a *QUALIFIED* ac technician.
You brought your car in for diagnosis and just got the repair estimate from the dealer. After you regained consciousness and the heart palpitations stopped you decided to do a little research and see if you could get a better deal. But how and where?